Home > Chase - Visa

Chase - Visa

October 18th, 2007 at 01:21 am

Alright, paid the min. payment for this month on the Chase card. Which was $259.84(3.5 months behind). Now were caught up on that!

Which means we only owe them about $300. WOOT WOOT! And Stephanie and I still have money in our checking account. I'm debating splitting it up between Chase and Wal-Mart, but this money also has to get us by until next Wednesday. So I'm kinda torn here.

Here's the update on what we owe:

Chase $500.00

Wal-Mart $1000

Orchard - $300

Capitol One - $150

It's crazy, Stephanie told me today that I've become quite the little "penny pincher." That made me feel all fuzzy inside...LOL. I like that I'm watching how much is being spent and not buying as much junk as before. Now, as long as I keep that up. We should be able to meed out goal of having all the CC paid off by April! GO US!

**Note: all the "ish's" are there because the original balance was a guesstimate, I didnt have the bills on hand to get exact.**

2 Responses to “Chase - Visa”

  1. boomeyers Says:

    Great job! But don't forget to start building an emergency fund for yourself! Instead of putting all that money toward the credit cards, put it into a savings account and start building! Soon, you won't have to use a CC in an emergency because you will have the cash! Good luck!

  2. Munky Says:

    Yeah, good point. And thanks!

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