Home > Wal-Mart


October 14th, 2007 at 01:59 pm

I've come to the conclusion that Wal-Mart is the devil! LOL.

Seriously, Stephanie and I go in last night to get stamps and a pregnancy test. We leave with right at $50 worth of CRAP, and I forgot the stamps!

That's another problem I have, I can't control myself when I buy. If I want it, I usually buy it...

But anyway, I was adding up about how much Stephanie and I were going to be getting paid next week. Turns out we'll have enough to get her Chase card down to the normal min. payment. WOO HOO! Plus we found a trailer that MAY be for sale come April for right at $10K. It's livable. Needs some work, paint, carpet...mostly cosmetics. So that means we can live in it, and fix it up when we have the extra cash. But I'm not going to get my hopes up just yet. April is still a little ways away.

So my goals for next Wednesday:
1. Pay power
2. Pay refrigerator payment
3. Pay Chase

That right there totals to about $450. That's not even all of her pay check! We'll have about $80 left from her's and my entire $260, to go to...

You guessed it. Credit cards! LOL.

I'm excited.

8 Responses to “Wal-Mart”

  1. scfr Says:

    I hope you paid cash at Wal-Mart rather than using the store card! [If you used the store card, stop using it! Just pay cash from now on. Otherwise, everything you buy will cost you so much more once you add the interest on.]

    If you have a hard time sticking to your list at Wal-Mart, don't go there anymore! If you need stamps, go to the post office. If you need a pregnancy kit, go to the drugstore. Less temptations for extra purchases that way.

    Sorry to scold, but I know you want to get that debt paid off.

    BTW, good job coming up with a plan of what to pay with the next paycheck.

  2. Munky Says:

    Yeah we paid with cash, well a check, but it's coming from our bank account.

    None of our store cards can be used anymore. I called and canelled them. Of course they won't really be cancelled until we pay them off, but if I keep the mindset they they are, then we won't use them.

    And scold me all you want, maybe that will also help motivate me even more!

    And thank you, that's what I've been trying to do. But we've had some problems the last few months, hence the reason everything is so far behind.

  3. denisentexas Says:

    I used to tell people Wal-Mart was the new world order now I say it's eBay. Wink I have an acquaintance online who gets a WM gift card with $75 on it when she gets paid once a month. That card is used for gas. She gets another card with $50 on it. That card is used for pet items and miscellaneous. When those cards are empty, they're empty until the next pay period. I've thought of trying that myself. I don't go to WM often but it still might help me when I do go. Maybe that would work for you!

    I think you're on the right track. You're trying to pay off the ccs and that's a good thing. And good job on planning for that next paycheck.

  4. Munky Says:

    That is a good idea! Not right now, LOL, but after we get everything caught up...We may try that.

  5. Joan.of.the.Arch Says:

    Living so close to the edge as you are, maybe there is something that gives you a little buyer's regret today and you'd like to just go right back and return it. Even if it is just $5 worth, wouldn't you like to pay that down on the Wal-Mart debt instead of fresh Walmart "crap," as you say?

  6. Munky Says:

    I have buyers remorse everytime I buy something LOL if it's something I need or not.

  7. frugalhousewife Says:

    I know it is hard to get out of the mindset of wanting to buy things. My husband and I have started asking ourselves if we want some "thing" or we want to get a little closer to being debt free. I will not say that it works every time but it does work 99% of the time. Put all your focus on being debt free rather than what you are doing without.

    I agree with scfr about staying out of Wal-Mart as much as possible. If you need to pick up one or two things stop at a drugstore (CVS, Rite Aid, Walgreens). I make a trip to Wal-Mart once a month to get the things that I cannot get cheaper elsewhere. If you go weekly and pick up an unneeded item of $5 each trip that is $20/month. I am guess the pg test was not $45 but even at $20 you could have had an extra $30 for your debt payment.

    I started looking for every extra bit of money to add to our debt payment. I roll our change, do online surveys, pick up odd jobs, etc. I think if you do this your desire to buy all that "crap" will decrease.

    Okay I am off the soapbox now. Your plans for being debt free are great. Just don't let yourself get sidetracked.

  8. denisentexas Says:

    By the way, Dollar General sells pregnancy tests for very little and apparently they're very accurate. Some of them are only $1 and if there's a post office near the DG you might be better off going to the two places. You'd spend less than at WM! Not that pregnancy tests and stamps are weekly purchases but you see what I mean, I hope. Smile You're doing great though it sounds like. Keep it up.

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